Here is a script:
/interface ethernet
set [ find default-name=ether1 ] name=ether1-LWAN
set [ find default-name=ether2 ] name=ether2-RRadius
set [ find default-name=ether3 ] name=ether3-LAN1
set [ find default-name=ether4 ] name=ether4-LAN2
/ip hotspot
add disabled=no idle-timeout=none interface=ether3-LAN1 name=server1
/ip hotspot profile
set [ find default=yes ] radius-default-domain=Local-Loop split-user-domain=\
yes use-radius=yes
add html-directory=CCMT-Hotsport name=CCMT radius-default-domain=\
Remote-Radius split-user-domain=yes use-radius=yes
/ip hotspot
add disabled=no idle-timeout=none interface=ether4-LAN2 name=server2 profile=\
/ip hotspot user profile
set [ find default=yes ] shared-users=unlimited
/tool user-manager customer
set admin access=\
/tool user-manager profile
add name=U-10M name-for-users="" override-shared-users=unlimited owner=admin \
price=0 starts-at=logon validity=0s
add name=U-5M name-for-users="" override-shared-users=unlimited owner=admin \
price=0 starts-at=logon validity=0s
add name=U-3M name-for-users="" override-shared-users=unlimited owner=admin \
price=0 starts-at=logon validity=0s
/tool user-manager profile limitation
add address-list="" download-limit=5242880B group-name="" ip-pool="" name=\
Pro-5M owner=admin transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=5242880B uptime-limit=\
add address-list="" download-limit=3145728B group-name="" ip-pool="" name=\
Pro-3M owner=admin transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=3145728B uptime-limit=\
add address-list="" download-limit=10485760B group-name="" ip-pool="" name=\
Pro-10M owner=admin transfer-limit=0B upload-limit=10485760B \
/ip address
add address= interface=ether3-LAN1 network=
add address= interface=ether2-RRadius network=
add address= interface=ether4-LAN2 network=
/ip firewall filter
add action=passthrough chain=unused-hs-chain comment=\
"place hotspot rules here" disabled=yes
/ip service
set www port=808
add address= comment=Local-Loop domain=Local-Loop secret=12345 \
add address= comment="Local-IP Address" disabled=yes domain=\
Local-IP secret=12345 service=login,hotspot
add address= comment="Remote Server" domain=Remote-Radius secret=\
12345 service=login,hotspot
/radius incoming
set accept=yes
/tool user-manager database
set db-path=user-manager
/tool user-manager profile profile-limitation
add from-time=0s limitation=Pro-10M profile=U-10M till-time=23h59m59s \
add from-time=0s limitation=Pro-5M profile=U-5M till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\
add from-time=0s limitation=Pro-3M profile=U-3M till-time=23h59m59s weekdays=\
/tool user-manager router
add coa-port=3799 customer=admin disabled=no ip-address= log=\
auth-fail name=Local-Radius shared-secret=12345 use-coa=no
add coa-port=3799 customer=admin disabled=yes ip-address= log=\
auth-fail name=Local-IP shared-secret=12345 use-coa=no
/tool user-manager user
add customer=admin disabled=no password=zxc shared-users=2 username=zxc \
wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" wireless-psk=""
add customer=admin disabled=no password=asd shared-users=3 username=asd \
wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" wireless-psk=""
add customer=admin disabled=no password=qwe shared-users=3 username=qwe \
wireless-enc-algo=none wireless-enc-key="" wireless-psk=""
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