#yum install httpd php-mysql mysql-server php-common unzip php php-cli wget
#service httpd start; service mysqld start; chkconfig httpd on; chkconfig mysq
#wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/project/iptrack/ipplan-win/Release%204.92/ipplan-4.92a.zip?r=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.mali77.com%2Findex.php%2F2011%2F03%2Finstalling-ipplan%2F&ts=1345329515&use_mirror=garr
#unzip ipplan-4.92a.zip
#cp -r ipplan /var/www/html/
#mysqladmin -u root password PhallaCCMT
#mysqladmin -u root -p create ipplan
#mysql -u root -p ipplan
mysql> grant all on ipplan.* to ipplan@localhost;
mysql> set password for ipplan@localhost=password("ipplanpw");
mysql> FLUSH privileges;
mysql> \q
#vi /var/www/html/ipplan/config.php
// the database user and password is NOT the same user and password
// used to access IPplan as a regular user.
define("DBF_TYPE", 'maxsql');
define("DBF_HOST", 'localhost');
define("DBF_USER", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_NAME", 'ipplan');
define("DBF_PASSWORD", 'ipplanpw');
// define global admin user and passwd. This is NOT the same user
// and password that the databases use.
define("ADMINUSER", 'admin');
define("ADMINPASSWD", 'ipplanpw');
define("ADMINREALM", 'IPplan admin authentication');
#chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/ipplan
#chown -R root /var/www/html/ipplan/
#vi /etc/php.ini
### Modify the line to match your configuration ###
date.timezone = Asia/Phnom Penh
#iptables -F; service iptables save
#service mysqld start
Note: set mysqld service auto start: # chkconfig mysqld on